
Providing housing with support for people impacted by an acquired brain injury

Anvers Housing is the leading housing agency in Ireland providing accessible homes to people impacted by acquired brain injury. We are experts in creating and operating houses that support brain injury survivors to live barrier free, maximising their independence within their own communities, where they feel at home.

Rehabilitation and support services are provided to the tenants of Anvers Housing by Acquired Brain Injury Ireland, supporting them to live more independently within their home environments.

In Partnership with ABII

The Right Place

Although our houses are specialist places, so much of what we provide is what anyone would ask of the place they call home. Anvers homes are inclusive and friendly, alive, accessible and affordable. They are attractive and have the ability to meet our tenants’ sensory needs, as well as being sustainable and green.

The Right Space

At Anvers Housing, we believe that the environment and design of the living space impacts directly on the person’s ability to maximise their participation and potential in life. Quality housing, appropriate to the needs of each individual, ensures that their rehabilitation is supported and removes the barriers to their independence.

The Right Support

By working together, Anvers Housing and Acquired Brain Injury Ireland offer survivors of brain injury a unique and valuable opportunity to rebuild their lives in homes, with support.

The Right to Belong

Tenants of Anvers Housing are at the centre of the home. The house fosters their autonomy and personal development, key factors in the journey towards living a more independent life, where they are empowered to make decisions about their own personal choices, goals and aspirations.

Get in Touch

Our team are here to answer your questions. Call us on 01 280 4164 or send a message